Fix – unexpected end of the script

If you have received an “unexpected end of script” error then chances are that the problem is in particular with the context of the scripting language you are using. These errors are more common in web development and it can mark that certain issues with your script’s structure or syntax are causing the execution environment to reach an unexpected end without being able to finish executing the script. 

As the error does not relate to a specific error but rather a category of structural errors, it is unfortunately an error without a clear solution. However, while there is no simple one-step option you can take, if you follow the steps outlined below you will be able to solve this error swiftly. 

Step 1: Examine the Script Syntax 

The first place to start with an “unexpected end of script: error is always the syntax. When looking at your script make sure to carefully examine it for missing or additional braces, parenthesis, brackets, semi-colons, and syntax elements that might be causing a premature end to your script. You should also take the time to check that every syntax element is corrected in the right spot as variation in its location could be the reason for the error. 

Let’s say you have the below JavaScript code:

function addNum(a, b {
    return a + b;

let result = addNum(12, 13);

Running the above code will result in an “unexpected end of the script” that is because the opening curly brace in the function "addNum(a, b { ” does not have a corresponding closing curly brace.

Fix this by adding the closing curly brace

function addNum(a, b)  {
    return a + b;

Step 2: Utilize a Code Editor

If checking the script on your own is not making you notice any errors then you might want to employ the use of a code editor that has syntax highlighting. This can be essential in the identification of syntax errors as the pairs of all your braces, brackets, parenthesis, and other syntax elements are going to be highlighted in pairs making it easier to notice if something is missing, misplaced, or should not exist in your script at all. 

Popular code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) offer the features mentioned above

  • Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
  • PyCharm
  • Sublime Text
  • Atom
  • Eclipse
  • IntelliJ IDEA

Step 3: Double Check your Quotes and Unclosed Strings 

Syntax errors can often be caused by quotation marks and strings not being properly closed where they are supposed to be. These are important parts of the syntax elements that you need to be checking for in your script. 

Step 4: Check your Missing End Keywords

Depending on the scripting languages you are using, there are often going to be specific keywords that are meant to specifically delineate blocks of code. If one of your blocks of code is not properly closed using these keywords or is closed too early you would get an error. 

Step 5: Check your Control Flow Statements 

Much like with your end keywords which can be important in ensuring each one of your blocks of code is properly closed, you are also going to need to control your flow statements, such as switch, if, else, and others. These are an important part of your structure as they define the flow of control in your code.

If these words are missing then it is possible that the structure of your code is not going to flow correctly. 

if x > 5:       --- If Statement

for num in numbers:   --- For Loop

while count < 5:     --- While Loop   

Common Issue: Don’t forget the colon (:) after the while/if/for statements

Step 6: Use a static analysis or code linting tool 

Static analysis or code linting tools can be used as a way of identifying possible errors in your code. These tools can catch some of the most common syntax errors as well as offer you possible corrections. Essentially using one of these tools is like having a second set of eyes that is going to look through your blocks of code to determine your areas of improvement. 

Step 7: Test Incrementally

If you have checked your code but are still not capable of determining where the error is then you might want to start testing incrementally. This is a particularly useful method when dealing with a complex script as you will be able to see at exactly which section or complexity stage of your script the error arises. 


When it comes to fixing any type of syntax error the most important thing is to have patience and continue going over your blocks of code and syntax elements until you can find a solution. If you are having a hard time finding the error on your own then you can always get a second option by asking other coders for help. 

Happy Learning!!

Jerry Richard
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