Resolve – “java net socketexception unexpected end of file from server”

If you have received a “java net socketexception unexpected end of file from server” then it is most likely that you are using an application with network communications. While this is not always exclusively the case, these tend to be the most common applications to receive such an error. This is because this error acts as an indication that there is an attempt from the client to read data that exists in the server but they are unable to do so. This inability could be the result of either the server closing unexpectedly while they are attempting to send the data, or by closing before the communication can be completed. 

What can cause “java net socketexception unexpected end of file from server” errors? 

There are four main reasons for these types of errors. 

Server Error 

The first and most obvious relates to server-side issues. This includes cases where the server is experiencing an issue or has some error or condition that is causing it to crash or close before the communication can be completed. At times this can include misconfiguration, server crashes, and other issues relating to the operations of the server. 

To solve such an error the best thing to do is look through the server logs for any indication, exceptions, or errors that might explain the reason why the connection ended unexpectedly. 

As part of your checks at this stage, you should also check that the server is running properly and has the necessary resources, including CPU and memory, to continue running. If the server’s health is down then it is likely that it will keep terminating without warning. 

Example scenario:

For example, When a client connects to this server and sends a message, the server reads the message but doesn’t send any response. Consequently, the client’s connection might be abruptly closed, leading to the “ Unexpected end of file from server” error on the client side.

      Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
                System.out.println("Client connected: " + clientSocket);

                // Simulate server-side processing by reading input from the client
                Scanner in = new Scanner(clientSocket.getInputStream());
                PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);

                // Read client input
                String clientMessage = in.nextLine();
                System.out.println("Received from client: " + clientMessage);

In the above example, the Client didn’t receive any message from the server and eventually, the client connection will be closed causing the error.

This can be resolved by modified code, after reading a message from the client, the server sends a response back to the client using out.println("Server received: " + clientMessage);.

This ensures that the client receives a response and the connection is not abruptly closed, thereby preventing the “ Unexpected end of file from server” error.

 Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
                System.out.println("Client connected: " + clientSocket);

                // Simulate server-side processing by reading input from the client
                Scanner in = new Scanner(clientSocket.getInputStream());
                PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);

                // Read client input
                String clientMessage = in.nextLine();
                System.out.println("Received from client: " + clientMessage);

                // Send a response back to the client
                out.println("Server received: " + clientMessage);

Client mis-expectation

There are occasions when the client might believe that the server is going to provide them with additional data despite the server having finished sending all of the available data. There is also the possibility that the client is correct in their expectations and that the server had sent a batch of data and had closed the connection prematurely. 

Most frequently, in these cases, the problem tends to relate to the client and server code not being implemented correctly. As a result of this, the protocol of communication is not agreed and each side is either providing different data or has received expectations, in the case of the server, that do not match the actual expectations of the client. 

The fastest way to address this is to ensure that the server and client code being used are the agreed communication protocol and that it is implemented correctly. 

Network Issues

As this type of error relates to the transfer of data it is only natural that it will sometimes appear in cases where network issues are blocking the connection and causing it to end. In cases of network issues, the first thing to check is your actual connection and its stability. Once this has been established on both the end of the server and the client you can move on to additional solutions. 

Apart from making sure that there are no network issues you will need to check that the server and client have been properly configured to communicate. This includes removing any potential firewall that might be blocking communication. 

Depending on your case you might also find that it is necessary to implement a mechanism that keeps the connection between the server and client alive. 

Finally, when it comes to networking you should also check your frameworks, libraries, and socket programming if you are still getting this error. For example, if your networking libraries are outdated you might be receiving these errors due to either bugs, issues, or lack of compatibility. 

Example scenario:

There are chances that the client is unable to connect to the server/port due to firewall settings. In this case do the below tests

telnet: to check if you can connect to the server on the specific port


telnet <server ip> <port>

Failure case:

]# telnet 9000 

Successful case:

# telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.


If you have set timeouts on either the client or server and the connection is taking longer than the predetermined timeout takes then it is likely that you will get an unexpected end of file. This is the easiest problem to solve as you get to set and therefore adjust the timeout settings to provide enough time for the connections to be established without them being closed prematurely. 


One of the issues with the “java net socketexception unexpected end of file from server” error is that it could be a problem with either the server or the client. As such you will need to run through every scenario on both before you are usually able to solve this issue. However, if you follow the four issues and solutions offered in this guide you will be able to solve the error swiftly and more efficiently. 

Happy Learning !!

Jerry Richard
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